The Secret to 2020

The secret to 2020:

  1. Set up your goals - I know, groan. The truth is that if you don’t know where you want to get to and you can’t express it in the form of a goal, you won’t be able to move forward at speed except by happenstance and through the good graces of luck.

  2. Use this as a goal filter - ask yourself this question, “why do I want to complete / deliver / work on this goal?” If you find yourself telling yourself a great story, ditch it. “Why” should also answer:

    1. What’s honestly important about that goal for you? Can you do without it?

    2. What will you have or what will you be able to do that you can’t now?

    3. Do your answers for a., and b., energize you so that you are sure you’ll put the effort behind the goal or are you yawning right now? Yawning? Ditch it.

  3. Break your goals down into manageable chunks - another groan, I know. Because your goals could be “just right” or “too big”, in either case, breaking them down into manageable chunks, shows progress and let’s you celebrate more often - yes, you need to celebrate because that builds momentum that will serve you when things get a little tough, from time to time. (Note: “too easy” goals get no time here as you will get bored and stop)

  4. Don’t plan to get everything done in the first 2 months. Understand that somethings, due to necessity or just timing have to come before other things - that’s O.K.

  5. Make sure you finish a “manageable chunk” of a goal when you say you will - this is your personal or self leadership at work. It’s super important to support yourself!

  6. Tell someone about each of your goals - they can be different people for different goals who can support you in the way you need for that goal. An even better set up is to see if the person you tell can work with you on the goal - bring them on that goal’s journey!

  7. Find your “resilience trigger” - that thing that you can do, or tell yourself that will fire up your engines when the flame seems to have gone out.

There is more for me to share on “The secret to 2020” (I love the guidance of goals) but, I don’t want this article to go on for too long.

You will see many articles at this time of year about making 2020 a success - including this one.

Now is a time of new beginnings that arrives with the New Year. I often think we feel we should use that new beginning to best advantage.

The real secret is that new beginnings arrive all the time and the work above is evergreen. Make it a part of your everyday and you will go so far, so quickly, you will make your own head spin!

Start this year, “from the inside out” and see how wonderful it will end up being for you.

Happy New Year!