How to include everyone!

Leaders - a quick note on making sure people felt heard.

Simple inclusion is about hearing what everyone has to say and including all input in group (hopefully team) processes. This is extremely important in problem solving and when you’re trying to be creative and do something new!

Including what everyone has to say may not be easy though. We know that we are all assertive to some degree. Some of us are peacekeepers and some of us are drivers. 10 times out of 10 a driver will assert themselves and you can be confident you will have and be able to include their input.

Peacekeepers also have things to say and may be too busy keeping the peace, or just staying quiet to easily contribute. Reach out to those people and include them, give them space to speak into the discussion.

Feeling safe enough to put what you have to say out in the open is key. If you suspect that someone has something to say and you suspect they don’t feel safe enough to put ideas into the live stream of the group. Seek them out after. It will be worth it. Whether they are included or not is on you, the leader.

(And if you don’t know which group your people fall into, give me a shout and I’ll help you figure it out!)