How you best navigate and contribute in these complex times!

It feels like a great time to share how things have clarified for Bearing over time on what Bearing does and why!

First of all, a "Bearing" is movement in a specific direction. What I know is, that “specific direction”, is guided by one’s strengths, values, vision, skills and behaviour.

Second, my philosophy is that the direction of your movement comes from "the inside out". Outside influences alone will not be enough to find your Bearing.

And, if you don't know the Bearing you want to take right now, that's O.K. too. It takes some work to figure it out!

The work starts with Personal Effectiveness. Who are you at your best? What are your strengths and how do you use them - daily? What vision of your future guides you? Everyone needs to be personally effective to drive meaning and fulfillment in their lives! How do you measure if you’re being personally effective?

The work continues with building your leadership, skills and behaviours because you can lead from anywhere! Then if your work warrants it, learning how to adapt your leadership to build and guide a "team" in today's world would be the next step in taking your personal effectiveness to the next level!

And that's it: Personal Effectiveness leads to a "best" you for yourself; leadership allows you to contribute anywhere, anytime and bring your best self to others; building and guiding people to something awesome, makes their lives better too!

Work with me to find your Bearing, contribute to others and make work and life better for more people!