Routinely ask for feedback...

- 1 minute read -

Don’t like feedback? In some respects it doesn’t matter that you don’t like it, if  you want to improve. If you are working on doing something differently - and aren’t we all - you need feedback. You need to get used to getting it and, in fact, asking for it.

We can’t really know if we are doing something that works with other people, if we don’t get feedback.  If you are working on a solitary task you get feedback if the thing you are doing works or it doesn’t work - and it is pretty immediate.  In relationships, which include working relationships, feedback from others will allow you to judge whether you hit the mark or not with your message, sharing your ideas, sharing your vision, leading a meeting, solving a problem etc.

Sometimes the feedback is delivered emotionally and not as much help.  Sometimes it is delivered long after the event and you don’t recognize it.  Sometimes people hold back their feedback because they don’t think it’s their place to give it to you.  Whatever the reason, you lose out. So, set it up with a few people in different situations. Let them know that you want their feedback. Share what you are working on improving.  Then ask for the feedback. Incorporate the parts that make sense for you and try the thing you are working on again. This will help you move forward and do something different much faster!

Try this too: HBR - How to ask for feedback that will actually help you